Supporting families during exam season - Firefly Learning Skip to Main Content
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Supporting families during exam season

With Guest Speaker
Jo Dinsmore

Jo Dinsmore

Deputy Child Protection Coordinator

Cathedral School Llandaff

With Guest Speaker
Dave Costen

Dave Costen

Director of Digital Learning

Queen Elizabeth College


Exams can often be a source of significant stress, not just for students but for everyone involved in the process, including teachers and parents. However, there are strategies and mechanisms that we can use to reduce the pressure, make everyone feel more confident about what they can do to help, and ensure that our students have the support they need to perform to their best ability.

In this webinar we meet Dave Costen from Queen Elizabeth College Guernsey, and Jo Dinsmore from Cathedral School Llandaff, who will share how they support and engage students and their families before, during and after exams.  

Guest Speaker

Jo Dinsmore

Jo Dinsmore

Deputy Child Protection Coordinator

Cathedral School Llandaff

Dave Costen

Dave Costen

Director of Digital Learning

Queen Elizabeth College

Watch and Learn

Make sure that everyone has the information they need

Keep parents in the loop at all times

Implement strategies for supporting independent study for students

Use technology effectively to create support networks

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